We have started a Christmas tradition of going out for dinner some evening during December, and afterward, go around town, looking at the Christmas decorations. Each year, we hit our favorites and try to find new ones. This year, we did both. Here are a couple of houses in Columbia with Christmas lights. There are, of course, many more that could be construed as impressive (or gaudy) depending on your taste and tolerance. After going through Columbia every year, looking at Christmas lights, finding new displays, the children have decided, for this year, these two are the two of their favorites.
This tree is always our favorite, we go see it every year. It is the only decorating this person does, but if he did anything else, it would take away from it. The tree, called the Magic Tree, is even more impressive in person. During the weekends throughout the Christmas season, there is a line of cars going down the street. He has a flyer, explaining how long he takes to put the lights on, how many lights are on it, how much is the electric bill, etc, out by the tree so people can take it. He has installed signs throughout the neighborhood, explaining where to go and not go. It has become a Columbia tradition for many people. It is very impressive.

One of our friends told us about this house. It is located about 1/2 mile from our house, but we never knew it existed, because it is on a street we don't travel. Some of the things the kids like about this house is the angels you see above the rest of the display are hanging in the trees in the front yard and actually go out over the street. It probably has 100 angels throughout the trees. The display, itself, has lots of lights, always a big hit with the kids. But, it isn't a hodge-podge of decorations (Santa, reindeer, snowman, Nativity, Grinch, etc.), it is all about Jesus and His birth. I don't know how many pick up on it, but I did and love how it declares, loudly and, yes, gaudily, "the reason for the season" Again, more impressive/gaudy in person.
We hope everyone had a very Merry and Blessed Christmas and wish you the best for this New Year!
They don't mention it and it is hard to tell in the picture but the "Magic Tree" is about 40'-50' tall and just as wide. It is very impressive to see in person